Friday, 28 September 2012

Thanks to Cardiff Cryptoparty, now on to London

Hi everyone.  24 hours to go now until the London Cryptoparty, its good to hear of a couple of Cryptopartys that went really well.  First off we have Cardiff, who organised the first UK event.  Massive props to them, it sounds like they done a fantastic job.  They have a writeup of their event Here.  We hope this event continues and grows bigger.

Also the Online meeting was a big success.  We did have some problems trying to walk 40 people through setup of complex software on different platforms, on just voice chat.  This as a format may not have worked as well as we hoped, although a general discussion of the issues within the group proved way more successful, and I think everyone learned a lot and we can build on this , I hope we can build on this.

Now onto the London event.  We've had a massive response, and we're looking to cram 135 people into the space at google campus.  I'm pretty sure this is going to be the biggest one so far, and we really look forward to seeing you all there.   Sadly all the tickets are now given out, we just can't fit any more in.  If you are disapointed please follow us on twitter (@cryptopartylond) and if there are any more spaces that become available, we'll make sure information gets out there. 

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